Refund Policy

Our Refund Policy

100 %  Money Back Guarantee & Refund Policy

Refund Policy:

At, we want to ensure that you are 100% happy with your purchase. If you have any technical or sales queries, do not hesitate to contact us. However, if you feel the service you purchased are not the best fit for your requirements and you attempted to resolve issues with our support staff, we want to make things right.

Although we’d love to know where things went wrong, or how we can improve, follow the steps below for a full refund within 3 days of your date of delivery of your  purchase. If the 3 days has been passed and you have a problem you can contact any time via our  support on our website, via ticket on your account, or via Email to fix your problem.

Once you request a refund a team member will be in touch. 

Follow the steps below to get your refund request sent to us:

  • use the contact form to request the refund.
  • use the same email address you use to buy our services.
  • include your invoice number.
  • please include your issues with the service we provided 
  • also you are agreeing by requesting a refund to release all rights and control over any changes or website material we built or changed your agree to have all changes made to your website deleted and agree to not hold JK Star Image’s responsiable for any content that can not be restored. 
  • You agree to return any photo or logo design we created. You also agree not to use our design in the future.